look carefully, readers.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pain is part of being young

I can't recall which episode is this from but surely I can remember from which scene.

The scene is where the father is talking to his youngest child- Dalbong when he was soooo depressed about his life was not doing well. His noona(older sister-- well, he only have one sister) and hyung(brother-- his one and only) are doing great with their life. 

Got a great job. The noona is a chief secretary of a company while the hyung is a doctor/specialist in Cancer Department in a hospital. Dalbong is the only one who still not unemployed. According to Dalbong, (I can't recall the episode either!) he wants to be like his father-- selling tofu. We can just say he want to be businessman, right? The father is a role model to him. 

To be like the father-- Dalbong's father obviously rejected it! why would Dalbong become like him who is selling tofu to support the life of the kids and his.

Ooops, seems like I'm giving a spoiler to those who are still not watching the drama. Mianhae.

So, the father consoled him by saying-- the picture above.


Oh God, I miss blogging! But I seems lack of ideas what to write and so on. hmm 
I should've making some sort of draft or something. It's been a long time without blogging.


5 bulan. 5 bulan aku meluangkan masa di rumah. Buat apa? 

Sebulan pertama,
excited sekolah dah habis. The feelings goes on sampai bulan ke 3 mungkin.
Lepas tu masuk bulan seterusnya, kita rebel la apa lagi.

Cerita post-spm break
Aku duduk rumah. Kemas rumah, lipat kain, jemur baju, basuh pinggan, kemas pinggan etc. Ya, ini lumrah. Tak banyak benda boleh share. 

"Nak sambung belajar mana nanti?"
"Apply mana?"
"Buat apa kat rumah?"
"Nanti nak buat apa?"
"Nak ambil kos apa?"

*korek telinga* 

Soalan biasa didengari tak kisahlah dari family ke relative ke kawan mak kau ke kawan abah kau ke kawan kakak kau ke kawan adik kau ke, it's everywhere. Kalau yang dah pasti jalannya-- katakan dia nak jadi doktor, yup s/he will choose medic/science course to pursue his/her study. Kalau yang tak pasti, rasa macam "Alaa aku taktahu lagi nak jadi apa. Nampak macam semua best je" ya dia akan teragak-agak untuk memilih. Besar kemungkinan waktu apply upu tu tangannya menggigil-- sebab mak ada di sebelah dok perati kau teragak-agak nak pilih, pastu kena se-das bebelan sebab mak kau ngantuk nak tidur.

Aku rasa aku jenis yang pertama-- dah tahu nak apa, dan yang kedua-- tapi taktahu nak jadi apa. Aku, kalau boleh nak sambung maths. Taknak dah hadap biology. Penat membaca dan menghafal. Sebab aku jenis yang takboleh nak hadam sangat fakta. Biology is really not thing but I can go with it. 

Waktu apply upu, dah tak fikir apa dah. First choice mesti Asasi Sains Uitm. Second choice, Tesl. Third choice, Asasi Sains Fizikal UM. I chose that because my father asked me to and I thought about that wisely; until now. Asasi Sains tu luas, Aku boleh pergi mana aku nak if I work hard and work smart to get 4flat-- nampak gaya macam taktahu nak apa en.

Tapi, most of the family suruh jadi guru. Tunggu keputusan ipg. Lambat sungguh! Kata haritu serentak. Keputusan upu keluar dulu...keputusan ipg keluar by the end of May. Kalau dapat course maths, insya Allah pergi. I really want that. Aku ketepikan karenah aku yang tak suka budak-budak(y'know kids are annoying as they growing up learning so many things and the moment they start to talk back to you ugh). Perasaan terhadap kanak-kanak boleh dipupuk, insha Allah. Minat aku yang mendalam terhadap maths buat aku keliru-- sama ada nak pilih uitm (Alhamdulillah aku dapat Asasi Sains Uitm) atau tunggu ipg. Rasa nak menangis je bila dilemma camni.

Dulu merengek tak dapat buat pilihan sendiri. Segala benda macam baju kurung, tshirt, sweater, tudung, semua mak kau decidekan apa jenis fashion yg kau patut pakai.
Sekarang bila dah kena buat pilihan, baru tahu betapa susahnya untuk buat pilihan.
Sekarang, pilihan di tangan sendiri. Bila tanya mak abah pun, diorang akan jawab, "awak fikir la sendiri. Ni untuk masa depan awak. Takkan semua mak abah nak fikirkan. Takkan semua mak abah nak suapkan." Jadi, pilih yang terbaik buat diri sendiri. Kalau konfius sangat, buat istikharah. Masalahnya, nak bangun tahajud pun malas. Jangan kata tahajud, solat fardhu pun dilambat-lambatkan.
Aduh! Kalau malas, apa pun tak jadi, tahu tak?! *luku diri sendiri*

ok kembali, mak cakap, masuk je Uitm dulu. Kalau ada rezeki dapat ipg, baru pergi. Ya, aku hanya akan pergi kalau ada rezeki, kalau dapat apa yang aku nak. 

Next post, kita cerita pasal keputusan spm pulak ya.

P/s: Post kali ini tidak disusun dan diolah dengan baik. Harap awak yang membaca(tu pun kalau ada yang sudi baca) faham la ya? Maklumlah, dah lama tak ber-blogging.

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