look carefully, readers.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Satu Arah-translate to English

Assalamualaikum :)

One Direction- What Makes You Beautiful.

Aku dah rasa macam; insecure about myself.
Nahh Less talk. 
Just listen to the music.
You have to meng-hayati lirik dia.

Click to Play.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hati hiba mengenangkan...


People is changing everyday. Everytime. Every hour. Every minutes. Every seconds.

Including you. Hey you there, I hope you're reading this. You yang bernama kawan...

You had ignore us for about hmmm cannot recall.
You treat us like we're not exist, appriciate that.
You had found your new bestfriend but old best friend. (Tak faham? baca sampai faham) I hope you understand what I mean.  I am happy with you. We're happy.
You can do whatever you want.
When you were bring something, you ignore the person beside the person you treat. I don't know that were you! You're not like that... as I know.

Kau selalu treat people sama rata. 
Tapi sekarang...
Kau lain.
Lain sangat.
Kenapa ya? Hanya engkau dan Dia yang tahu.

Just some advice for you.
Jangan buat kawan habis madu sepah dibuang, tak proper.
Jangan berkawan kerana ke-populariti.
Jangan berkawan atas nama lelaki.
Berkawanlah atas keikhlasan, dan kejujuran.

Setiap malam, aku selalu berdoa ; Ya Allah, kau berikanlah kebahagiaan kepada diriku, KAWAN-KAWANKU, SAHABATKU, keluargaku, dan seluruh kaum muslimat dan muslimat.


Kawan, aku mintak maaf.
Walaupun aku tak tahu apa salah aku. 
Seandainya ada, kesilapan kau, telah pun aku maafkan, InshaAllah :)

"Kerana memberi kemaafan itu lebih mulia dan meminta kemaafan itu juga lebih baik."

Let's learn together.

Assalamualaikum (:

Pagi tadi sekolah ganti, Farah, Najwa, Wina, Aida, Che dan aku dah plan on eleventh fifty five, we're heading to bilik kaunseling. 
For what? 
We have no decipline record. (Welkl budak baik memang macam ni~ *muka annoyed*)
Kitorang ke sana untuk borang soal selidik kerjaya. 
We're not sure about aliran apa yang we should take for form 4. Either Pure Science or Account Class or Literature (Sastera) or Technical.

okay berakap pasal benda ni, teringat mak pernah cakap :
" Kalau ambil science, boleh pergi mana-mana."
Bila fikir balik apa mak cakap tu, memang betul. 
Nak jadi science teacher boleh. 
Nak jadi Forensik boleh. 
Nak jadi Doktor boleh.
Nak jadi Lawyer boleh.
Nak jadi Arkitek pun boleh.
Sebabnya,  I have my cousins who took the science course when they were in secondary school, but now the kakak dah jadi lawyer, si adik is an architect in making.
Teringin nak jadi macam diaorang. Ooops. Nak jadi macam diaorang.

Okay back to the story, Kitaorang pergi bilik kaunseling, then jumpa Puan Zanariah. Fyi, we did the appoinment yesterday. Pastu cakaplah dengan cikgu dah buat appoinment. Cikgu pun macam blur-blur je. hahaha it's okay cikgu. Kami faham.
After that, cikgu bagi satu borang, kitorang tanda. 
Lepas tu, discuss.

As the result, aku lebih cenderung kepada bidang seni. Mula-mula, cikgu cakap..."Awak bertiga (Farah dan Najwa sekali), lebih kepada bidang seni. Menyanyi...etc.'"
Oh tidak! mak saya tak bagi saya menyanyi....My heart whispered.
Lepas tu, tanya cikgu, "Kalau saya punya ni, tapi saya taknak jadi ni, saya nak jadi ARKITEK"
"  Terrmasuklah tu, yang..." Okay. and that is exactly my type. 


  • Saya suka tengok seorang arkitek bekerja. 
  • Saya suka sketching tapi tak suka melukis. Sebab skecthing itu lebih senang dan tidak rumit berbanding melukis. Hi hi hi
  • Well, mak pun perasan apa yang saya patut pilih.......
Okay I think that's all. 
Hala tuju saya semasa Form 4 nanti : Mungkin ke SBP, Sekolah Teknik KL kalau staraight A's-InshaAllah :) 
Saya taknak fikir kalau tak.....Mak cakap, saya pandai, tapi saya aje yang taknak berusaha. MALAS. 
Well, tahun ni, trying to remove the M.
Get rid of it. Move On. Continue my works. Assalamualaikum.

p/s: Dulu pernah bercita-cita nak jadi polis, doktor, guru and so many more. Yelah, tak matang lagi. and now, I'm still unmatured. Mental.