look carefully, readers.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Tough Cookie


Credit picture: Pinterest

Assalamualaikum, Survivors!

In the amidst of MCO, RMCO and CMCO, how you doin? Hope you're doing great. I have a story to tell and it's about my sister. The story has been on my twitter drafts since 10pm but I couldn't tweet it. So I decided to post it on my blog instead (although  I had to go through some troubles with my laptop ugh)

My sister's eczema worsening since a year ago. She even lost her confidence inside and outside. Takmau keluar rumah. Kalau duduk rumah, pakai lengan panjang. Bertelekung almost 24/7.

Tambah dengan stress online class, assignments and court trial. Selalu tidur 3 pagi 🤦

Her insecurities was at the highest point. She almost cried, like every night I got off work, "Keklah, watif penat la macam ni. Kenapa watif sorang je dapat ujian yang macam ni? Panas tak boleh. Sejuk tak boleh. Nak mandi pun sakit tau."

I comforted her by saying, "it's okay, ujian untuk orang beriman memang besar" and it was not helpful at all hahahha bad sister. I wasn't at her place and feeling the pain.

I voiced it out to my parents. Dia pernah bagitau mak abah but mak abah jenis kalau tak nampak depan mata memang akan senyap je. Then lepas dah bagitahu mak abah, abah cakap "Takpa pergi jumpa dr tu. Abah bayar."

Her only concern was, money. But I know our parents is more than enough to support her health wellbeing. Sebab banyak dah duit dia habis beli cream itu ini kat farmasi....tu yang dia taknak minta duit. Yela dia kan masih belajar dan tidak berpendapatan. Lagipun, for me as long as you have not earn your own money, the responsibilities of your health wellbeing are on your parents and they cannot complaint about it. Bukannya anak minta dilahirkan untuk sakit seperti itu.

So, made an appointment and went to a private hospital. Spent like RM400+ for treatment months ago. But the specialist didn't consult her properly (tak sampai 10mins pun bersua muka). She only prescribed her the medicines.

We saw no progress & it was getting worse!

After the situation, she went to meet our cousin (kak ngah) who is a medical officer at Puchong. She asked for consultation. Kak ngah pun terkejut tengok the whole body merah-merah.

"Teruk ni watif. Dia bagi ubat apa?"

Okay ubat dia bagi tu rupanya taraf chemotherapy, paling tinggi...Idk what's the name. Dia requested taknak steroid kat doktor tu, tapi doktor tu bagi gak steroid.

Ubat yang specialist tu bagi, semua macam tak sesuai la untuk dia basically, kata abang ad (our pharmacist cousin). Watif ada tanya abang ad satu soalan. Soalan seperti ini, "Kenapa ada doktor kalau doktor pun tak boleh menyembuhkan penyakit?"

Abang Ad jawab, "Penyakit sembuh dengan izin Allah. Allah made it happen. Kalau Allah tak izin, tak jadi juga"

Maka, conversation diakhiri dengan istighfar. Kak ngah pun buat la referal letter untuk refer dia ke pakar di hospital kerajaan.

"Tak pernah-pernah kak ngah buat referal letter sampai dua page ni watif"

Lepas siap surat tu, esoknya terus hantar ke hospital serdang and waiting for the call from the hospital.

Hospital suruh tunggu dua minggu untuk jawapan. Tapi lepas beberapa hari doctor call untuk set appointment.

Last week, she went to hospital serdang to meet the doctor. Doctor terkejut oi.

"Macam mana u boleh tahan????"

Then, consultation began. She asked my sister the historical and family background. Ada asma ke tak. Ada resdung ke tak, semua ada. Ada lagi tak yang ada ezcema etc etc

Sejarah dari adik aku baby pun dia tanya tau. She even had to take off her clothes for a whole body checkup.

Consultation took about an hour. Then had to go to O&G for pregnancy test skskksks lepastu baru dr bagi ubat. Macam-macam la ubat dapat.

But all for free. RM1 pun tak payah bayar. GL mak abah pun tak pakai.

Syukur jadi rakyat Malaysia. Nikmat mana lagi hendak kamu dustakan?

I told her numerously to love herself first. Tak perlu nak insecure sangat. Jangan stress. Tidur awal.

Today, she brag about her skin condition. Alhamdulillah, it's getting better and I'm sooo happy! The medicine worked. Allah made it worked. To give a helping hand in her journey, kakak jadi tukang sapu cream kat belakang badan dia. Aku jadi tukang syampu rambut dia. Boleh buka spa dah siap request urut kepala lagi. Tadi masa syampu & urut kepala dia, siap keluar angin lagi ko, kemain.

That's all for today.

Cherish everything you have; nikmat kesihatan, keluarga dan ibadah 🥰

Thanks for reading my story and good night! 💜

Nota kaki: After a few thoughts, I'm now taking a Mandarin Class with mandarinjer. Still a baby step but please pray for me!


farhanarusdi said...

awhhh you're such a sweet sister! I pray that your sister get better soon! amin :)

'Aqilah Najwa said...

Thank you for the prayer 💜 insya Allah aamiinnn